Dean and I did ride in yesterday's heat and had a fine time. Definitely check this route out. It meanders past the former home of the state's largest denim producing textile mill (you'll know you're near it when you're on Denim Street). You'll also get a view of the underbelly of Erwin / Dunn with a tour past the local slaughterhouse....
...before entering Dunn's glory day neighborhood where there is a cluster of magnificent mansions.
In this shot from Erwin, Dean explains the best way to outsmart a coyote. (Dean's advice -- carry several 12-oz ribeyes and occasionally toss one into the underbrush.)
Did you know Erwin has a bike sculpture?
The tobacco is looking good this year. Must be all of the rain.
Here's Dean powering past to steal another county line....
Another fun day on the bikes....
LOVE the name for the route! I should come up with something more clever for mine.
I think I'm going to have to try it out next week....maybe I'll put some Larry the Cable Guy on the iPod to take along....
Guys - I am continually impressed with your blog. I'm hoping you'll link back to mine (I've already added yours). Many thanks, Dodger
Hi, Doc!
Thanks! I did have fun naming this one, although I have to admit that it didn't happen first try. I've got a couple more names for other routes that have been marinating for a while. I keep bouncing them off people to get their reaction.
Hi, Yungfalbz!
Good one!
One of the things I like about the route is that although it is mostly rural, there are several stores dotting the way, making it a good riding route even in hot weather.
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