Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Capitol-Bike Rte 1 Maps & Cue Sheets

I've now created maps and cue sheets for the urban route in and out of town. They're posted below as jpgs.

This was quite a bit more trouble than it should be. First, I saved the Excel files as PDFs. Then I turned readable segments of the Google map into PDFs. There was quite a bit of garbage around the border of each map (ads, etc.) so I pulled them into Photoshop and copied just the map image, then dropped a number on each page to make it easier for riders to follow the sequence. Finally, I saved each map as a jpg.

I then made a combined PDF of all the jpgs and the cue sheet PDFs. I tried to upload the document into Google Docs. However, it does not accept PDFs, so I turned it into an HTML file. That uploaded but would not display. Anybody have ideas on how to fix that?

1 comment:

bullcitybiker said...

Hey Mike- instead of making a PDF composite just make a JPEG composite to upload to Google. As long as you don't make it too small- the magnifying feature of Google/Picasa works really well. Branson