N&O reporter Joe Miller has just wrapped up his PBP series with a fine article that details the ups and downs of three Tar Heel riders -- Branson, JD and Glenn -- during this year’s ride. (Okay, Glenn’s technically from Virginia, but we claim him as our own.)
The three hung together for much of the 760-mile event, sharing many of the same pleasures and pains. Among the article’s highlights:
* Mountaineer extraordinaire JD Stewart claims this year’s PBP was harder than his climb of the 26,901-foot Cho Oyu, the world’s sixth highest mountain. That puts things in perspective, no?
* Branson describes the hallucinations he had during the ride. As sleep deprivation took its toll, Branson thought he was riding in Quebec. Perhaps that explains a one-hour detour during the event?
* Glenn describes the emotional lows he experienced during the ride, saying he got downright grumpy. And I thought that only happened to me…
If you still want more after reading the article, check out Joe’s blog for a few more anecdotes that didn’t make the print edition.
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