I feel thoroughly chastened, and I'll try to do better, so please accept my apologies and do not send the blog police around. They are thugs.
Here's a link that gives a good account of what's going on. The headline says it: 'Bicycles are welcome,' Parkway super says.
There still doesn't seem to be anything in the plan to address my main gripe: all the damn hills. They need to level that place out. Who wants a scenic, mountain ride if the cost is a lot of up-hill climbing? Let's see a plan that incorporates downhill-only roads both north and south bound, then we'll talk.
Thanks for the update, Mike. I've been hearing a lot about this, but not a lot that seems firmly grounded in reality, so your post and the link you provided are very much appreciated.
Mike, not to worry. I started reading the doc a few weeks ago http://parkplanning.nps.gov/projectHome.cfm?parkId=355&projectId=10419 but didn't spend enough time to decode its real intent. I simply posted suggestions that they encourage cycling both as part of their mission and to bolster the local tourism economy.
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