Want to be the first on the randonneur block to have one of RUSA's new cycling caps? Too late, pal! We've already placed our order, and the mailman delivered the goods yesterday.
I ordered two cotton ones -- one to wear, and one to lose. Maxi tried one on when she got home from work. Her verdict? "Those look pretty good," she said. "Not as nerdy as I thought they'd be." Haha! High praise from my Fashion Queen, who is still not quite used to the idea of Men in Tights.
The caps are truly sharp. My bald head is already thanking me for protection from the summer sun.
Order yours today through the RUSA store. They come in two flavors -- wool and cotton. Don't miss your chance to look like riding buddy Byron, who has not been seen without a riding cap since 1938. Here's his pix from last year's fleche.

A big tip of the cap to Mr. Jerry Phelps, the guy who got the RUSA cap project off the ground.
Oh, yeah. I got mine yesterday and am SO glad I never bothered with the Surly wool cap. These are well made (in the USA) with nice bright colors and the logo looks great. The wool and the cotton are both worth having.
I ordered one of each. Very impressed with the quality. Thanks JP!
Timely article Flyer. I ordered mine today before seeing your post. I'll be stylin' too.
Three cheers for Jerry! I got a woolie with ear flaps and it offers much better coverage than some of the other wool caps I've used. Can't wait to go for a cold ride!
Actually, I've been rocking the cycling caps since '37.
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