Monday, November 22, 2010

NC Rando Party / Let the Good Times Roll in Greensboro

Madame President Jennifer Wise (RUSA #1), Mark Thomas, Mike D

I'm still abuzz from the weekend's NC Randonneur party. Maybe it was that fourth piece of crème brulée cheesecake, or getting to ride 130 miles through the rolling hills under perfect skies. Maybe it was seeing new, young riders sign up as RUSA members the day of the event and complete their first 200K. Maybe it was being in the upstairs room at Natty Greene's with all of the riding buddies I've shared so many miles and smiles with over the past several years. Maybe it was getting to hang out with one of my favorite persons on earth, Jennifer Wise, RUSA #1, and her husband Pierce (RUSA #9). Maybe it was hearing about the early adventures on a fledgling event called BMB. Maybe it was hanging out with one of the world's most traveled and enthusiastic randonneurs, Mark Thomas, RUSA #64, who flew in from Seattle to join the celebration. It was Mark who sorted through RUSA's database to make a stunning announcement during the party -- North Carolina ranks #4 in total kilometers ridden in 2010, up from #9 the previous year and trailing only California, Washington and Texas. Maybe it was induction of four NC members into the K-Hounds, the informal 10,000K club founded by Dallas RBA and good friend Dan Driscoll. Maybe it was feeling completely overwhelmed when my fellow party planners pulled a fast one and gave me a priceless honor, with a moving presentation by Capn John Ende, a great friend and the world's very best riding buddy, bar none. Maybe it was the fantastic photo I got of some lucky randonneur having the time of his life in a yellow-red BMB jersey, ascending Yad Moss during the 1400K London Edinburgh London.

Maybe it was all those things.

A sincere thanks to all of the spouses and loved ones who let us pursue our beloved sport weekend after weekend -- we know we ask a lot. Thanks again to our very special guests for joining us -- I can't tell you how much that was appreciated. A big thanks to the party planners -- Branson, Jerry, Capn Ende, Joel. A big congratulations to all of the deserving riders who were honored at this year's celebration:
  • Adrian Hands Society Spirit Award: Geof Simons
  • Rookie of the Year: Tim Lucas
  • Volunteer of the Year: Tony Goodnight
  • Comeback of the Year (F): Maria Falbo
  • Comeback of the Year (M): Al Johnson
  • Randonneuse of the Year: Mary Florian
  • Luckiest Guy of the Year: Mike D
Edit: Pix from Capn Ende.

The NC Rando crew and loved ones enjoy the slide show.

Sridhar, RBA Al Johnson, Former RBA Richard Lawrence.


Mark said...

A wonderful time. Thanks for all the great NC rando hospitality.

geof said...

Mike! you ARE the rando of the year!
That was one fine day, and a pleasure to ride with you (as always).

I think the gathering made the day extra special. so nice to hang a little off the bikes. thanks to all who made it happen!

Jerry Phelps said...

Not that there was ever any doubt, but this post assures me that the true choice for NC Randonneur of the year is Mike Dayton.

As always, it was an honor to share the day and have a part in honoring you.

Sara Huston said...

Wish we were there! Miss you all...

Unknown said...

Mike - It sure was fun to be with such a great bunch of people and especially to celebrate you. Thanks for the invite. - Jennifer