Monday, July 30, 2012

Truck Damages Bridge at Tar Heel, NC

It is estimated that the bridge over the Cape Fear River on the Tar Heel 200 Permanent will be closed to traffic for the next two months while the bridge is being repaired.

Details of the mishap have been reported by the local news with catchy titles like “Bridge to No Where” and “So close, yet so far.”

Apparently, a “gut truck” (one carrying dead pigs) smacked into the bridge which in turn overturned the truck. You could say it was offal.

MikeO and Fearless Leader Al, who rode the Tar Heel 200 on Saturday, surveyed the accident site first-hand. Thanks to Al, we have a report and close-up pictures:

We found the bridge closed to Tar Heel. We were able to get around as there was only a bike width space available on the bridge, but once they start repairs, there will be no way across. A week ago Friday a dump truck crossed the bridge with it bed fully raised and ripped out a lot of the bridge structure and the truck bed is still on the bridge. I am attaching pictures of the bridge.

A Wilmington TV station reports of the inconvenience for the locals in terms of fire and police services, not to mention commuters working at the abattoir and local truckers employed by same.

The bridge was slated for repairs next year. But it seems that that date has now been moved up.

Randonneurs seeking a comparable Permanent might look to the 201km “Lookin’ Out My Back Door.”

Let’s Ride!

1 comment:

  1. Weird- just in February- I told Rex and Maile about a similar incident taking out E'town's beautiful McGirts Bridge when I was a kid..
