Thursday, June 7, 2012

Raleigh 600K / June 2-3 2012

Fearless Leader Al
As I rolled into the finish of last weekend’s 600K, Fearless Leader Al, our RBA, was apologetic.

“I’m sorry I didn’t arrange for proper brevet weather,” he said.  
Al, apology accepted. By “proper brevet weather” Al was referring to the kind of apocalyptic weather we’ve seen on a few of these 600Ks. Driving rain. Searing heat. Fierce headwinds. The kind of weather that is one Bible verse away from fire and brimstone and locusts. One year, a tropical storm rolled in from the Atlantic just as the riders reached the turnaround in Wilmington. A proverbial floodbath.

The Wade Parade...
Yes, there was none of that. Instead, moderate temperatures, low humidity and 190 miles of trailing wind to Wilmington. A nearly full moon to light the way in the dark hours. A rain-free event.  Hell, we even had a blueberry festival in Ammons and a parade in Wade.

As organized as rando riders ever get....smooth sailing on a bumpy road...
Maybe we deserved this one after the wind tunnel of a 600K that we suffered through in February. It was two very pleasant days on the bike: Day 1 spent mostly with Maile and Jerry and Tim and Geof and John (we had Pat and Curt with us as well until Pat snapped a pedal off in an impressive power move); Day 2 as a 200K solo ride from White Lake to home.

Volunteers made the day with pizza and drinks. Thanks to Bob, Tony, Rick and his wife for the support along the way.

A couple notes: I had two cameras with me and took exactly one picture, or ½ picture per camera. It looks like a half a picture, too. But Maile has graciously allowed me to borrow her handiwork. All the pix are hers. She’s equally skilled as a rider and photographer and she managed to snap shots even as we motored along in an organized pace line.

This ride put me over the top for R-12 number 6 and the medal arrived on Wednesday. Some people do the R-12 for the hardware. Me? I like the personalized letters from RUSA HQ. I’m quoting here: “YOU TOTALLY ROCK!” Thanks, RUSA HQ, finally somebody agrees with my dogs.

I've just crossed the line of 50,000K in RUSA kilometers. Here’s to the next 50.

Tim, John, Maile in Wilmington and the patented Ensure salute.


  1. Congrats on the R72 and 50kk. A pleasure riding with you as always (I agree with the dogs too).

  2. Congratulations on crossing the 50k line. I hope some of the next 50k will be ridden in California. Your room is always ready!

