Wednesday, January 6, 2010

cold Cumberland Valley ride

Saturday, we packed up the wagon and headed north, straight into the teeth of Old Man Winter. Forgot my in-laws had 18 inches of snow recently, and with arctic air firmly entrenched, there was still plenty of snow (by my North Carolina standards.) After a few days without a ride, I was starting to lose it. Finally, the thermometer broke 30, and I broke out on the fixed-gear. It turned out to be a great ride along the Mason-Dixon Line, through the bucolic wonders of the Cumberland Valley. Here are some photos I snagged along the way..


  1. Terrific pix. I now have an adequate "but-isn't-the-snow-beautiful?" fix that'll last me a couple of years to deal with having moved from Syracuse.

  2. Wow! Best pix in a while!

    Mike / Raleigh via Berea....

  3. Thanks Dr K and Mike. Hard NOT to take pretty pictures up there. Maybe we can all road trip for a DCR or ROMA ride this year?
