Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Trip to Little Washington (and Bath & Belhaven

A 115-mile tailwind push to the coast, followed by a gallery opening for Anthony, then a leisurely Saturday touring the local sites, including the very odd museum in Belhaven. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful travelog, Mike!

    I enjoyed seeing the picture of the blue crab statue in Belhaven.

    Here is a description of the goings-on in the cannery located there. I guess the plant is still there:

    "In the crab-picking room at Sea Safari, Ltd. in Belhaven, women in waterproof boots, aprons and caps of many colors crowd around tables mounded high with cooked blue crabs. Beneath the audible chaos of many competing conversations is the visual rhythm of hands precisely disassembling crustaceans into handpicked, "gourmet" crabmeat."


    Also about the NC blue crab:

