Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Vintage Ride Part 2

A perfect North Carolina day for cycling -- low humidity, light traffic, mild temperature no wind. Me, Byron, Geof and Brian struck out from Geof's at 8:27 sharp. When I say vintage, I'm talking threads. Check out the wool on Byron and Geof.

I took the McLean for its longest ride yet -- 55 miles through rolling hills down by the nuke-u-ler plant. I've debated changing things around, but after today I'm not sure I'll change a thing, although the derailleurs still need a bit of adjusting. It's a terrific ride just as it is, and the pizza-pan size large ring, with 54 teeth, is a conversation starter. It may come in handy when I attempt a land speed record in the salt flats.

These Sunday vintage rides have real potential. Geof pushes the pace from time to time, but there's plenty of socializing too on quiet rural roads. Ya'll pull out the bikes with the Sun Tour bar ends and join us.


  1. Good thing you rode down by the nukular plant where there was no wind. There was lots of it on the north side of Raleigh. And later in the day, LOTS of wind.

    At least by central NC standards.

  2. Man, that is some stunning wool. I gotta buy me a wool jersey one of these days. Will have to make do with a merino undersirt for now.

    It would be nice to go for a ride where there was no wind too.

  3. Ah, yes. Nukular. Nukular.

