Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tar Heels in Texas

Congratulations are in order for two Carolina randonneur women who competed in the 500-mile event at Texas Time Trials this week.

Longtime NC randonneur Caroline posted this note on her Facebook page: "Finished and showered. Ahhhh . . . 500 miles in 38 hours. We even took a couple breaks together for breakfast, etc. Great event, and great to be done."

Caroline took part in the event as part of Team Zooma.

Lynn, who began riding with the NC Randonneurs this year, placed first among the women participants, with a time of 42:07 over the 500-mile course. She is now RAAM qualified. In an e-mail, she said, "Well, I can cross the Texas event off the list as done and never to do again. Brutal brutal brutal." Lynn, we predict in a week you'll be ready for a repeat performance!

Congratulations to both, and thanks to Dallas RBA Dan Driscoll for hosting the event.


  1. I heard the quality, tone and tenor of Lynn's exahustion when she called me a little less than 1/2 an hour after finishing.

    I predict she will ride 100 miles this coming Saturday. Quite likely solo. But ready for a repeat of the Tejas 500? NO.

    She may be crazy, but she is not INSANE.
