Saturday, August 1, 2009

Short London Edinburgh London Randonneuring Update

Wow! A great time. Put this ride on your list.

We're getting ready to go on a Beatle Walking Tour in London, so time is tight! But... here's what we know.

Finishers include John Ende, Will Shore, Jimmy Williams, Phil Creel, Ole (sp) Rick Carpenter, Spencer Klaassen, George Swain. Other US finishers also in, just not 100 percent sure. Apologies to anyone left off the list. We'll hunt down more in the next few days.

We had a fantastic time. The weather made it even more special. Yad Moss is a monster. Spencer Klaassen dubbed the sleep stop there Yad Moss Base Camp.

The best weather day included sun, thunderstorms, rain, wind and quarter-sized hail. The bad weather days? They were a little wet and windy as well.

When they serve Scotch at a controle, you know you're in Scotland. Support along the way was superb, with lots of very enthusiastic cyclists from around England and Scotland helping us out.

The host country made all of us feel welcome.

Story of the ride: Rick Carpenter had an accident, bike was totaled. Friend Lev Broitman (sp), a RUSA member from Israel, who stopped at Thorne loaned him his bike to finish on. A huge tip of the hat to Rick. For his kindness the NC Randonneurs have adopted Lev and presented him with a somewhat smelly NC Randonneur jersey. BTW Branson: Your jerseys are a worldwide sensation -- expect orders to come pouring in.

The Americans were extremely strong, and RUSA was well represented. We have a great randonnneuring club in the U.S., no question.

We made lots of friends from around the world, and we expect to see many of our LEL graduates on U.S rides in the next few years.

More later, best Mike


  1. Congratulations to the finishers, and a huge chapeau to Paul for giving it a good run.

    Can't wait to see the pictures and hear the rest of the story.

    There will be a second run of jerseys, maybe with some new ideas offered by our buddy Lothar. But I may have to ask someone else to handle the money since my accounts-receivable skills are lacking. Just ask Wes.

  2. Nice going Mike and all the NC and US folks. Looks like you've developed the English penchant for understatement. Stiff upper lip and all that. Enjoy the rest of your time there--hope to ride with you soon.
