Sunday, August 16, 2009

North Carolina Bicycle Club Randonneurs RUSA Anniversary Ride, 2009

Anniversaries mark important historical events. But they are also celebratory occasions. So, too, was the second consecutive locally celebrated RUSA Anniversary Brevet on Saturday, August 15, marking the 11th year of Randonneurs USA, or RUSA for short.

It was great seeing a number of newbies, but also the oldbies who’ve become a great support structure for NC randonneuring! Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to meet all of you. So you’ll have to come back again!

A special thanks to RBA, Alan Johnson, for organizing and hosting this NCBC event. By all accounts it was another successful anniversary brevet. Although Mike O quipped that Alan was losing his touch with the weather, since there was no rain!

Aside from the lack of rain, everything else was clicking today: the cool morning temperatures; the midmorning overcast skies; the great job done by the volunteers; the relaxing post-ride celebratory picnic at Morrisville Community Park; the upbeat enthusiastic riders . . . Just back from L-E-L, Mike D looked relaxed sporting a cool T-shirt with the L-E-L logo. RBA Tony Goodnight was there as well.

We can’t say enough about volunteerism and its importance to RUSA events. A number of volunteers pre-rode this event last Saturday on a sweltering day. Others took time out to help with the picnic and other duties. The water at the corner of Chicken Bridge and NC 87 in the white Styrofoam coolers, still cold on the return in the afternoon sun, was a nice touch, Jerry and company! Thanks to all the selfless volunteers for making this another successful anniversary ride.

Riders filing out on the 200km ride before sunrise at 6 AM.

It was nice to see a number of newbies tackling their first 200km brevet today. I’m disappointed that I didn’t have a chance to meet them all. But congratulations are in order, anyway!

Three riders at Snow Camp tackling their first 200km event, from left to right, Lynn, Scott, and John.

Although I finished with a time of 9:33, I got off to a sluggish start, probably due to the fact that I hadn’t ridden in a week. At any rate, I liked the pre-dawn start. Due to overcast morning skies, I wore reflective gear and burned my flashing taillight all the way to Snow Camp.

I teamed up with Mike O just past Snow Camp and we took turns pushing the pace to Siler City. We rode pretty much together for the remainder of the ride. His company made the miles go faster in more ways than one. Mike has ridden most of this area and can tell you where each road goes that we pass. He’s also good at spotting hawks, deer, and interesting items along the road.

Here is one interesting item we saw. Ever wished you’d had your camera when you saw that UFO no one believed you saw? Well today, I was prepared.

Here’s the picture that I’m forwarding to NASA and more importantly to Mulder and Scully.

Since I’m not an engineer or a physicist, I can’t offer an educated opinion about the technical sophistication of this contraption. But as a biologist, I’m thinking there may be the possibility that the Clampett gene pool may be “out there” somewhere.

Mike O on the return.

Watch out, Mike! My tandem riding buddy, Mt. Fuji, is about to pounce!
Note my bike listing to the left? Toting Mt. Fuji all across creation is no easy task. Maybe the reason for my slow start and struggle up Jack Bennett hill today. That’s my story, at any rate.

Congratulations to all for yet another successful anniversary ride! We hope to see you and everyone else sometime soon! Let’s ride!


  1. What kind of bikes are mostly used in a 200k? Road bikes, true randoneer bikes?


  2. Another great event and the 1 year anniversary of my first ride with all you guys. Sorry we couldn't hang around longer at the finish to see you and the others but Ron, Kim, and Amie were all trying to get back to Tidewater that night.

  3. Good question, Arleigh! You can get a good argument going among randonneurs with that one.

    Hopefully, most of the bikes used in a 200km ride are those that the riders personally enjoy riding in terms of comfort and fit.

    With that said, you'll see as many different kinds of bikes on 200km rides as you do riders.

    In just the past two weeks, for example, I've seen road bikes on 200km brevets of all composition types: titanium, carbon fiber, aluminum, steel.

    I've also seen touring bikes and recumbents.

    As far as gearing is concerned, I've seen single speeds, fixed gears, triple cranks, compact doubles, etc.

    The esteemed randonneur Bill Bryant says, ". . . no matter what type of machine is used, how the bike fits the owner is the vital bike-related ingredient for new riders to consider." And "the type of bike that works best is the type that works best for you."

    Others can feel free to join in.

  4. Greetings, Doctor on a bike!

    Thanks for the note. Luckily I got a glimpse of you, Amie, Kim, and Ron on the return. Great to have you Tidewater folks here for the anniversary celebration.

    I was not aware that our RUSA anniversary ride last year coincided with your very first association with us! For which we are the richer! You folks are welcome here anytime. I always enjoy reading about your local rides and things pertaining to riding in your blog.

  5. I'd like to thank the volunteers who put on this brevet again. It occurs to me that they had to put up with me 1) before 6 am, when I usually de-zombify at around 8, and 2) after about 9 hours of nearly continuous riding. I hope I didn't drool on anyone... ;-)

