Wednesday, August 5, 2009

London Edinburgh London 2009 -- A Magic Section

The LEL course is simply stunning on the northern end. Traveling through the grassy canyons of Scotland was a profound experience.

I rode solo on the 120K northbound leg from the Eskdalemuir Control to Dalkeith, striking out at 3:30 a.m., sleepless and stinking of sweat. I had to stop within the first quarter mile to tighten an annoying bolt on the left crank arm, a mechanical demon that haunted me the entire ride.

But you never know when a stretch of road will leave an indelible stamp. The shadows of night shift from deep blue to muted greens and gray, the wind shifts to your back, your bike finds wings and your mood lifts like the morning fog. And there you are, in the thick of it all, remembering why you came.


  1. When I read your post this morning with my cup of coffee, it was as if I were viewing a copy of National Geographic (complete with theme song). I've really enjoyed all your LEL accounts, Mike. Congratulations to you and the others on a fine accomplishment, and welcome home!

  2. Wonderful fotografs and good reporting. Feels a bit like being there again and good to meet you again, if only virtually.

  3. Wow. Incredible, pastoral scenery. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on an amazing accomplishment!

  4. I've enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks for sharing. Love the videos too. As with George, I've made link to my blog - hope you don't mind.

  5. Hey Mike- is that an E6 on your front rack?

  6. Yes, just a back-up. Edelux is mounted on handlebars.


  7. In 2002 I posted this to the garandon email group:
    In '99 my family went to the UK in early July and spent a few days in the Yorkshire Dales (LEL runs through the Dales). I have a picture of them standing huddled together by the side of the road at the summit of one of the passes. It was about 10 pm in the evening - still light of course at that time of the year. My 8 year old daughter is wearing her coat AND my coat and the wind is whipping her hair across her face. Add some rain to that picture and an ill prepared cyclist could be looking at hypothermia.

    And so it came to pass. Congratulations on surviving a gruelling ride with British "summer" weather.
